Saturday 13 December 2008


My Basement Pictures, Images and PhotosStrange things have been happening lately. Anne has been cutting out snowflakes from paper. They look like faces. Combined with the basement, I've been very edgy. Never before have I had problems with basements. You see, we recently moved into an apartment in an old building. It's winter so the power keeps shutting out and I have to find the flashlight and go down there to flick the switch. Its been alright usually. But then I got a feeling. I've been going down there alot and looking through the old stuff. I found a beautiful painting and brought it up. It's of a young girl in a pink sweater standing chest high in a field of grass. Then a feeling came upon me out of nowhere that someone had arrived, suddenly someone was down there and I was invading their privacy. The lights kept going out so I had to keep going down. Each time I felt it stronger. The pressure to get out. Then I had this strange dream where everything in the basement was gone and the floors were wood and someone lived down there in an apartment. That was last night. Today I was making a sandwich in the quiet at the table. A metal potato peeler was sitting on the other end of the table. It suddenly jumped up and fell onto the floor. I wasn't scared, but surprised. I heard Lawry, the upstairs neighbor in the hall, he's lived in this buildong for 11 years. I popped out and told him about everything but the details of my dream. He happened to mention that the basement used to be an apartment until the 70's when it flooded. I think I may have made a spirit upset by looking through all the old stuff and invading their privacy. I don't know though. Maybe I'm a little jumpy.

1 comment:

Boone Cartoon said...

Awesome, I always enjoy your writings (almost as much as I enjoy your music and artwork). You seem to have a strong connection with the after life, have you ever thought about growing a garden? I'm sure there are lots of great community gardens in Chicago -- check it out. Its a great way to convert your creative energy, death and poop into to great fresh food. Let me know what you find. Thanks for all your sweet-sweet creations, keep up the good work. Come to San Marcos, Texas if/when you tour. Peace.