Monday 21 January 2008


I realized what the world is made out of. It is made out of dead bodies. Here is how I came to this conclusion. I may become vague beacause I just want to move quickly so I can watch Law and Order. I was once walking past a graveyard that was huge. Beside it was a new apartment building. I wondered why people would want to live in a place over looking miles of graves. They might see ghosts. Anyway, I realised that the people in the graveyard have only been dead for probably the last 50 years, 100 at most. I then wondered where people would be burried after the whole world becomes one big city. Then I wondered where all the people would live when the world becomes one big graveyard. Blasted into space? I then remembered that people have probably died in every single place where I can be. It's not just where there's graveyards. People have been dying before there was even history. Isn't that wild to think of? Then I realised that all the dirt and land must be saturated with dead bodies. Probably a huge percent was once a walking breathing civilization. Dirt is dead bodies. Everything comes from the dirt. Or rather All The GROUND. And then I thought: what's the difference between me and dirt. Well, the difference is that I'm living and the dirt is dead. The dirt is made of the same things that are constantly coming into and out of me and I am the dirt pretty much. That means that life comes from some sort of pressure to get organised. But I can see it. How everything is fundamentally made of the same things. It is not an idea, it is a fact. It has nothing to do with spirits. If anything spirits are the things that seperate things into themselves. Not to say spirits are bad. Spirits are like movies

1 comment:

Miles said...

rollin tellin it like it is