Saturday 13 December 2008


My Basement Pictures, Images and PhotosStrange things have been happening lately. Anne has been cutting out snowflakes from paper. They look like faces. Combined with the basement, I've been very edgy. Never before have I had problems with basements. You see, we recently moved into an apartment in an old building. It's winter so the power keeps shutting out and I have to find the flashlight and go down there to flick the switch. Its been alright usually. But then I got a feeling. I've been going down there alot and looking through the old stuff. I found a beautiful painting and brought it up. It's of a young girl in a pink sweater standing chest high in a field of grass. Then a feeling came upon me out of nowhere that someone had arrived, suddenly someone was down there and I was invading their privacy. The lights kept going out so I had to keep going down. Each time I felt it stronger. The pressure to get out. Then I had this strange dream where everything in the basement was gone and the floors were wood and someone lived down there in an apartment. That was last night. Today I was making a sandwich in the quiet at the table. A metal potato peeler was sitting on the other end of the table. It suddenly jumped up and fell onto the floor. I wasn't scared, but surprised. I heard Lawry, the upstairs neighbor in the hall, he's lived in this buildong for 11 years. I popped out and told him about everything but the details of my dream. He happened to mention that the basement used to be an apartment until the 70's when it flooded. I think I may have made a spirit upset by looking through all the old stuff and invading their privacy. I don't know though. Maybe I'm a little jumpy.

Monday 21 January 2008


I realized what the world is made out of. It is made out of dead bodies. Here is how I came to this conclusion. I may become vague beacause I just want to move quickly so I can watch Law and Order. I was once walking past a graveyard that was huge. Beside it was a new apartment building. I wondered why people would want to live in a place over looking miles of graves. They might see ghosts. Anyway, I realised that the people in the graveyard have only been dead for probably the last 50 years, 100 at most. I then wondered where people would be burried after the whole world becomes one big city. Then I wondered where all the people would live when the world becomes one big graveyard. Blasted into space? I then remembered that people have probably died in every single place where I can be. It's not just where there's graveyards. People have been dying before there was even history. Isn't that wild to think of? Then I realised that all the dirt and land must be saturated with dead bodies. Probably a huge percent was once a walking breathing civilization. Dirt is dead bodies. Everything comes from the dirt. Or rather All The GROUND. And then I thought: what's the difference between me and dirt. Well, the difference is that I'm living and the dirt is dead. The dirt is made of the same things that are constantly coming into and out of me and I am the dirt pretty much. That means that life comes from some sort of pressure to get organised. But I can see it. How everything is fundamentally made of the same things. It is not an idea, it is a fact. It has nothing to do with spirits. If anything spirits are the things that seperate things into themselves. Not to say spirits are bad. Spirits are like movies


I went to the dentist on tuesday. I had pain from my wisdom tooth that was coming. He took a panaramic XRay of my mouth. He said. "I'm not so much concerned with your teeth as I am this." It was a white orb on my right cheek the size of a quarter. He then said He had found cancers like this before. I cried and walked in the rain. I drank coffee at einsteins bagels. The next morning I went to a maxillofacial surgeon.He looked at the picture and said oh that's nothing. It's mucus. I did however have three wisdom teeth and he said I'm going to take those out for one thousand dollars. Then he said "while im up there I'm going to stick this drill up there and pop the bubble." He stuck twelve needles in my mouth and numbed me. I looked out the window beside the surgery chair. Grey and rainy. I saw the street and the other side of secret bushes. I saw two bikes on the porch of an apartment on the twelfth story. I saw people sitting on a cement block waiting for the bus and they were wet. A lady came in and covered my eyes. I heard my teeth breaking and cracking. felt fluids in my throat. It took fifteen minutes. I shut down for them so they could do their job. I didn't move or try to communicate. I simply tried to be like I wasn't there.

Sunday 13 January 2008


I was in a restaurant with a big window and three people who are native to this country. People were all around, eating mushes and towels of bread. I went into a back door. Men in suits were walking areound and I could see that they were mafia. I climbed up onto a hidden spot where there was a girl lying naked with an electric guitar covering her butt.


It was a bunker of red bricks and flashing lights and smoke. There were mountain bikes in a special area and a door that was highly secured. I looked into a television. Bright faces looked at me looking. There was a couch in a room that looked like a 30 year old cabin. Brown and wooden and orange. Potato sack orange and textured. Above the couch was a 3D holographic butt floating a foot above and oscillating back and forth like a room fan.

Saturday 12 January 2008


It was night on the lane where I was raised. Some houses were very nice, the types with bright colorful maskes hanging above a fireplace in rooms with no lights on. Some houses were derelict and full of kids, like 20 years old and intense for drinking and smoking. There were boys and girls in the kitchen. It was very tense. They were all angry and happy at the same time. They all were having dark lives. Suddenly the attention was on me, and I was targeted. They were happy and angry and smiling and crying all at once. A girl was there with me, her hair was curly and wet and she was in a white gown. We ran into a house where there was an old jewish couple. The kids mobbed through the door and killed them. The girl stayed nearby me as we were creeping through the bathroom shadows. Two zombie angels came to her sides as silent guardians wearing red see through gowns and black lipstick. The mob was chasing behind us in leather jackets and gold chains. A man was carrying groceries from his car. I said " PLEASE! Give me your keys!" He tossed them in the grass and I picked them up and started running to the car. The mob met me as I put the key in the door and I was eaten.

Friday 11 January 2008


I was sitting at a make up counter in a bathroom high up in a building. I had long clean dirty blonde hair that I'm looking at in the mirror and brushing gladly and proud. Then I'm out in the park. Running tirelessly through the mud and grass, over the tree roots, through messed up ground and under the branches. Bounding freely, with my hair blowing in the wind. Through the mud and the earth. I don't even feel the burn or tired even. THE END.